
Worship Services and Sermon

 We gather as a group on Sundays and Wednesdays. This time is used to share with one and another, give praise and worship to our God and study in his word.

Sunday Worship with Holy Communion is 9:00 AM
Adult Bible Study/Education Hour is 10:30-11:30 AM in the chapel.
   Sunday School is 10:20-11:20 AM in the lower level.
Wednesday Evening Worship with Holy Communion at 7:00 PM

Sunday Mornings

Sunday Morning at 9:00 AM is either a Traditional or Contemporary worship service.  The traditional service has both traditional and modern hymns played by the organ or piano.  The contemporary service has popular Christian music played by the worship band. Holy Communion is celebrated at each service.

Kid's Church

Kid’s Church is taught by an elder or lay leader as a re-emphasis of worship messages for each Sunday. Kid’s Church is offered on Cross Road Sundays, twice a month.

Early Communion

We believe that as soon as one is educated and can appreciate the real presence of Jesus in the Sacrament of the Altar, they may be welcomed to commune. This blessed Sacrament is offered even before Confirmation for students who demonstrate faith. We first offer this education starting in Grade 5.

470 N Oak Crest Drive | Wales, Wisconsin 53183
(262) 968-2194

